

沃格斯碎片【视频】鹿晗关晓彤公布恋情,爱情是什么?(附视频 演讲稿)-译匠

【视频】鹿晗关晓彤公布恋情,爱情是什么?(附视频 演讲稿)-译匠


Helen Fisher在TED演讲稿
I and my colleagues Art Aron and Lucy Brown and others, have put 37 people who are madly in love into a functional MRI brain scanner. 17 who were happily in love, 15 who had just been dumped, and we're just starting our third experiment: studying people who report that they're still in love after 10 to 25 years of marriage. So, this is the short story of that research.
我和阿尔特.阿伦、露西.布朗还有其他同事 对37位处在恋爱不同阶段的人的大脑 进行了核磁共振测试, 其中17位正享受爱情带来的幸福,而15位则刚刚被甩。 我们刚刚开始第三项实验: 研究那些在10到25年后 仍然处在爱恋中的人们, 接下来是关于这项研究的一些介绍。
In the jungles of Guatemala, in Tikal苏菲的抉择 , stands a temple. It was built by the grandest Sun King, of the grandest city-state, of the grandest civilization of the Americas, the Mayas. His name was Jasaw Chan K'awiil. He stood over six feet tall. He lived into his 80s, and he was buried beneath this monument in 720 AD. And Mayan inscriptions proclaim that he was deeply in love with his wife. So, he built a temple in her honor, facing his. And every spring and autumn, exactly at the equinox, the sun rises behind his temple, and perfectly bathes her temple with his shadow. And as the sun sets behind her temple in the afternoon, it perfectly bathes his temple with her shadow. After 1,300 years, these two lovers still touch and kiss from their tomb.
在危地马拉的丛林深处的提卡尔,矗立着一座神庙。 它由史上最显贵的太阳王建造, 位于最壮丽的城邦, 代表着美洲最伟大的古文明——玛雅。 这位君王,名曰Jasaw Chan K'awiil, 他体型魁梧, 并活到了八十余岁, 在公元720葬于提卡尔神庙。 按照玛雅碑文的说法, 他深爱着他的妻子。 他为妻子修建了一座神庙,正对着提卡尔神庙。 每到春分或秋分, 太阳在提卡尔神庙后升起, 而他妻子的神庙便浸浴在拖长的影子中。 到了下午落日之时, 他妻子的神庙的影子也会完全遮罩在提卡尔神庙上。 直到1300年后的今天, 这对恋人的陵墓依旧互相拥抱、亲吻。
Around the world, people love. They sing for love, they dance for love, they compose poems and stories about love. They tell myths and legends about love. They pine for love, they live for love, they kill for love, and they die for love. As Walt Whitman once said, he said, "Oh, I would stake all for you." Anthropologists have found evidence of romantic love in 170 societies. They've never found a society that did not have it.
世界各地的人都有不同的爱情。 人们为爱情歌唱,人们因爱情起舞, 人们通过诗赋和故事来抒发爱情。 人们讲述关于爱情的神话和传说。 人们渴望爱情,因爱而生, 人们为爱着迷,甚至为爱而死。 沃尔特.惠特曼曾说过: “我愿意为你赌上我的一切!” 人类学家在170个社会中发现了爱情存在的证据。 爱情普遍地存在于每一个人类社会。
But love isn't always a happy experience. In one study of college students, they asked a lot of questions about love, but the two that stood out to me the most were, "Have you ever been rejected by somebody who you really loved?" And the second question was, "Have you ever dumped somebody who really loved you?" And almost 95 percent of both men and women said yes to both. Almost nobody gets out of love alive.
但爱情并不总是愉快的经历张向北。 在一项针对大学生的调查中, 他们提出了很多关于爱情的问题, 其中的两个特别让我印象深刻, 一个是“你曾经被你真心爱着的人拒绝过吗?” 而另一个则是 “你曾经拒绝过真心爱着你的人吗?” 对于这两个问题,有95%的人作出了肯定的答复。 要活着走出爱情几乎是不可能的。
So, before I start telling you about the brain, I want to read for you what I think is the most powerful love poem on Earth. There's other love poems that are, of course, just as good, but I don't think this one can be surpassed. It was told by an anonymous Kwakiutl Indian of southern Alaska to a missionary in 1896, and here it is. I've never had the opportunity to say it before. "Fire runs through my body with the pain of loving you. Pain runs through my body with the fires of my love for you. Pain like a boil about to burst with my love for you, consumed by fire with my love for you.
那么,在开始讲述关于大脑的事情前, 我要读一段 在我看来最富深情的情诗。 当然,很多情诗都很不错, 但我认为它们都无法超越这首。 在1896年的南阿拉斯加,一位不知名的夸扣特尔印第安人 把它讲述给了一名传教士。 这是我第一次当众读它。 “爱你之痛如熊熊烈焰穿透我的身体; 对你如火一般的热恋让疼痛贯穿我的身体。 痛楚如沸水,饱含我对你的爱, 爱的火焰将其蒸发殆尽。
I remember what you said to me. I am thinking of your love for me. I am torn by your love for me. Pain and more pain -- where are you going with my love? I am told you will go from here. I am told you will leave me here. My body is numb with grief. Remember what I said, my love. Goodbye, my love, goodbye." Emily Dickinson once wrote, "Parting is all we need to know of hell." How many people have suffered in all the millions of years of human evolution? How many people around the world are dancing with elation at this very minute? Romantic love is one of the most powerful sensations on Earth.
我仍记得你对我说的话, 我想着你对我的爱, 它将我的躯体撕裂。 疼痛,更多的疼痛, 你要把我的爱带至何处? 你对我说张涵钧 ,你将从这里出发; 你对我说,你将在这儿把我遗弃。 我因此悲痛,因此失去知觉。 带上我的只言片语,我的爱人! 再见,吾爱,再见! 艾米莉.狄金森曾写道, “人因离别而品尝地狱” 在人类百万余年的进化过程中, 有多少人曾遭受这样的痛苦? 而此时此刻, 世界各地又有多少人在尽情跳舞? 爱情是世上最有力的感情。
So, several years ago, I decided to look into the brain and study this madness. Our first study of people who were happily in love has been widely publicized, so I'm only going to say a very little about it. We found activity in a tiny, little factory near the base of the brain called the ventral tegmental area. We found activity in some cells called the A10 cells, cells that actually make dopamine, a natural stimulant, and spray it to many brain regions.
所以多年之前,我决定研究 大脑中的这种狂热的情感。 我们第一项对处在幸福爱恋中的人们的研究 得到了很好地宣传, 因此我只简短地介绍一下。 我们发现在大脑底部附近有一块活跃的微小的区域 ——腹侧背盖区。 其中活跃的细胞称为ApEn细胞。 实际上,这种细胞制造了多巴胺——一种天然的兴奋剂, 并将它散发到大脑的众多区域。
Indeed, this part, the VTA, is part of the brain's reward system. It's way below your cognitive thinking process. It's below your emotions. It's part of what we call the reptilian core of the brain, associated with wanting, with motivation,沃格斯碎片 with focus and with craving. In fact, the same brain region where we found activity becomes active also when you feel the rush of cocaine.
准确地说来,这里腹侧背盖区是大脑奖励系统的一部分。 它运作在潜意识中, 也不受情绪控制。 腹侧背盖区也是被我们称作爬虫类脑核的部分。 它关系到欲求、动机、 专注和渴望。 事实上,这一片区域 在可卡因瘾发作时也会活跃起来。
But romantic love is much more than a cocaine high -- at least you come down from cocaine. Romantic love is an obsession. It possesses you. You lose your sense of self. You can't stop thinking about another human being. Somebody is camping in your head. As an eighth-century Japanese poet said, "My longing had no time when it ceases." Wild is love. And the obsession can get worse when you've been rejected.
但比起可卡因,爱情让它更加活跃—— 至少你还能从可卡因中回过神来。 爱情萦绕于心,占据着你。 你失去自我意识, 不能自主地去想他 ——他一直盘踞在你脑中。 就如8世纪的一位日本诗人所说, “我的渴求永不停止。” 爱情是狂热的。 当你被抛弃之后,牵挂会更深。
So, right now, Lucy Brown and I, the neuroscientist on our project, are looking at the data of the people who were put into the machine after they had just been dumped. It was very difficult actually, putting these people in the machine, because they were in such bad shape. (Laughter) So anyway, we found activity in three brain regions. We found activity in the brain region, in exactly the same brain region associated with intense romantic love.
我和项目组中的神经系统学家露西.布朗 当下正在研究 被抛弃的人们的核磁共振测试数据。 但说服他们 进行测验实在是困难断刺剧情介绍 , 因为他们心情实在是太糟了。 (笑) 总之,我们在大脑中发现了三个与之有关的区域。 我们在那块大脑区域, 也就是腹侧背盖区, 找到了与热恋相关的大脑活动达沃苏克。
What a bad deal. You know, when you've been dumped, the one thing you love to do is just forget about this human being, and then go on with your life -- but no, you just love them harder. As the poet Terence, the Roman poet once said, he said, "The less my hope, the hotter my love." And indeed, we now know why. Two thousand years later, we can explain this in the brain. That brain system -- the reward system for wanting, for motivation, for craving, for focus -- becomes more active when you can't get what you want. In this case, life's greatest prize: an appropriate mating partner.
这是多么坏的事情啊我的魍魉暴君! 当你被甩之后, 你会想着要忘掉他, 并继续你的正常生活, 但事与愿违,你只会更爱他了。 就像罗马诗人特伦斯曾说过的: “我的祈求越少,我的爱情便越炽烈。” 时至今日,我们知道这是为什么了。 2000年后的今天,我们能够解释大脑中的这一过程。 大脑中的奖赏系统 与欲望、动机、渴望和专注有关, 它在你不能得到你所要的时,反而变得更加活跃。 倘若如此,生命中最大的奖赏即是: 一个适当的约会对象。
We found activity in other brain regions also -- in a brain region associated with calculating gains and losses. You know, you're lying there, you're looking at the picture, and you're in this machine, and you're calculating, you know, what went wrong. How, you know, what have I lost? As a matter of fact, Lucy and I have a little joke about this. It comes from a David Mamet play, and there's two con artists in the play, and the woman is conning the man, and the man looks at the woman and says, "Oh, you're a bad pony, I'm not going to bet on you." And indeed, it's this part of the brain, the core of the nucleus accumbens, actually, that is becoming active as you're measuring your gains and losses. It's also the brain region that becomes active when you're willing to take enormous risks for huge gains and huge losses.
我们发现大脑中 计算得失的区域也与爱情有关。 测试者躺在核磁共振仪中, 看着昔日爱人的照片, 然后开始回想到底是什么出错了。 我失去了什么? 事实上,露西和我对此开过一些玩笑。 在大卫.梅米特的一部剧中, 有两个行骗高手, 其中女士在勾引男士, 于是他看着那位女士说: “你真调皮,我是不会犯错的。” 当你在计算得失时, 大脑中的这部分——伏隔核的核心 变得活跃起来。 当你要因为得到或失去 而去冒巨大的风险时, 它也会变得活跃。
Last but not least, we found activity in a brain region associated with deep attachment to another individual. No wonder people suffer around the world, and we have so many crimes of passion. When you've been rejected in love, not only are you engulfed with feelings of romantic love, but you're feeling deep attachment to this individual. Moreover, this brain circuit for reward is working, and you're feeling intense energy, intense focus, intense motivation and the willingness to risk it all to win life's greatest prize.
最后,我们还在一块区域中 发现了与深度依恋有关的大脑活动。 难怪世界各地的人们都遭受着痛苦, 难怪我们中这么多人被负心的情人伤害 当你被爱抛弃时, 你不仅被对爱情的渴望吞没, 而且感到对他深深的依恋。 此外,大脑的奖赏回路开始工作, 这使得你感到强烈的精力,强烈的专注, 强烈的干劲,和想要不顾一切地 赢得生命中最高奖赏的愿望。
So, what have I learned from this experiment that I would like to tell the world? Foremost, I have come to think that romantic love is a drive, a basic mating drive. Not the sex drive -- the sex drive gets you out there, looking for a whole range of partners. Romantic love enables you to focus your mating energy on just one at a time, conserve your mating energy, and start the mating process with this single individual.
那么,关于这次实验, 我又有什么样的体会要分享给全世界呢? 最重要的一点,我的结论是 爱情是人类最基本的寻求配对的冲动。 这不是性冲动——性冲动让你寻找 能够成为性伴侣的人。 而爱情让你同时只对一个人产生配对的冲动, 并节制地使用它, 开始同他恋爱。
I think of all the poetry that I've read about romantic love, what sums it up best is something that is said by Plato, over 2,000 years ago. He said, "The god of love lives in a state of need. It is a need. It is an urge. It is a homeostatic imbalance. Like hunger and thirst, it's almost impossible to stamp out." I've also come to believe that romantic love is an addiction: a perfectly wonderful addiction when it's going well, and a perfectly horrible addiction when it's going poorly.
我脑海中浮现出读过的所有关于爱情的诗篇, 其中最适合概括这一点的是 2000多年前的诗人柏拉图的一首诗, “爱神栖于爱欲之国。 爱是欲求,是冲动, 是恒久的失衡。 如饥似渴,不能熄灭。” 我同样也相信爱情让人成瘾: 爱若甜蜜,人们沉溺其中; 爱若苦涩,人们深陷其中,难以自拔。
And indeed, it has all of the characteristics of addiction. You focus on the person, you obsessively think about them, you crave them, you distort reality, your willingness to take enormous risks to win this person. And it's got the three main characteristics of addiction: tolerance, you need to see them more, and more, and more; withdrawals; and last, relapse. I've got a girlfriend who's just getting over a terrible love affair. It's been about eight months, she's beginning to feel better.
确然,爱情拥有成瘾的所有特征, 你专注于他,执念于他, 渴望得到他,并扭曲现实, 愿不顾一切以赢得他的爱。 成瘾的三个主要特征也在爱情上得以体现: 首先是耐受性——你总是想要得到更多以维持最初的感觉, 而后耐受性消退,最后又复发。 我的一位女朋友刚从一段痛苦的恋情中恢复过来, 经过了八个月,她终于好多了。
And she was driving along in her car the other day, and suddenly she heard a song on the car radio that reminded her of this man. And she -- not only did the instant craving come back, but she had to pull over from the side of the road and cry. So, one thing I would like the medical community, and the legal community, and even the college community, to see if they can understand, that indeed, romantic love is one of the most addictive substances on Earth.
这之后的一天,她正开着车, 收音机里的一首歌 让她又想起了那个男人。 于是,瞬时的渴望充满全身, 她控制不住情绪,把车停在路边, 大哭了一场。 因此,我希望医学界、 法学界和高教界 都关注到上述这一点: 爱情确实是世界上最让人成瘾的东西。
I would also like to tell the world that animals love. There's not an animal on this planet that will copulate with anything that comes along. Too old, too young, too scruffy, too stupid, and they won't do it. Unless you're stuck in a laboratory cage -- and you know, if you spend your entire life in a little box, you're not going to be as picky about who you have sex with -- but I've looked in a hundred species, and everywhere in the wild, animals have favorites. As a matter of fact ethologists know this. There are over eight words for what they call "animal favoritism:" selective proceptivity, mate choice, female choice, sexual choice.
我还想分享一下关于动物爱情的故事。 世界上任何一种动物 都不会饥不择食地寻找活物进行交配。 太老的、太年轻的、太脏的或是太蠢笨的,它们都不会选择。 除非你把它们关在实验室的笼子里—— 当然,如果你在笼子里度过一生南通职称网 , 也不会那么挑食了。 在调查了一百个物种后, 我发现野外的每一个角落,每一只动物都有各自的心之归属。 事实上,生态学家知道这些。 用四个词可以概括动物各自的偏爱: 选择性感知,配偶选择,雌性选择,性选择。 这儿有三篇学术文章 涉及到了这种吸引力南郑吧 。
And indeed, there are now three academic articles in which they've looked at this attraction, which may only last for a second, but it's a definite attraction, and either this same brain region, this reward system, or the chemicals of that reward system are involved. In fact, I think animal attraction can be instant -- you can see an elephant instantly go for another elephant. And I think that this is really the origin of what you and I call "love at first sight."
虽然这种吸引力也许只维持一秒, 但它确实是存在的。 而且牵涉到大脑中到腹侧背盖区和奖赏系统 (更确切的说是奖赏系统中的相关化学物质)。 事实上,我相信动物间的吸引力是可以即刻产生的—— 我们能看到,大象有时会突然被另一头大象吸引。 我相信这就是我们所说的 “一见钟情”的源头。
People have often asked me whether what I know about love has spoiled it for me. And I just simply say, "Hardly." You can know every single ingredient in a piece of chocolate cake, and then when you sit down and eat that cake, you can still feel that joy. And certainly, I make all the same mistakes that everybody else does too, but it's really deepened my understanding and compassion, really, for all human life. As a matter of fact, in New York, I often catch myself looking in baby carriages and feeling a little sorry for the tot. And in fact, sometimes I feel a little sorry for the chicken on my dinner plate, when I think of how intense this brain system is. Our newest experiment has been hatched by my colleague, Art Aron -- putting people who are reporting that they are still in love, in a long-term relationship, into the functional MRI. We've put five people in so far, and indeed, we found exactly the same thing. They're not lying. The brain areas associated with intense romantic love still become active, 25 years later.
人们常问我是不是 因为研究爱情太多而没了爱的兴致。 这基本是不可能的。 就如同在了解一块巧克力蛋糕中的所有成份后, 我仍然能够品味 吃蛋糕的乐趣。 我也同样会 犯大家都会犯的错, 但这些经历加深了我的对爱情的理解, 并让我对所有人都更有爱心。 比如,我在纽约时, 常看着婴儿车里的小孩,并感到一丝同情。 有时,当想到大脑是多么富有感情, 我会对餐桌上的鸡 抱有歉意。 我们最近的实验 由我的同事阿尔特.阿伦操作进行, 内容是对长期相处后仍能够保持相恋的情侣们 进行核磁共振测试。 至此,我们一共测试了5对这样的情侣, 并发现了他们共同的特点。 在他们相恋25年后, 他们大脑中与热恋相关的区域 仍然保持活跃。
There are still many questions to be answered and asked about romantic love. The question that I'm working on right this minute -- and I'm only going to say it for a second, and then end -- is, why do you fall in love with one person, rather than another何小影 ? I never would have even thought to think of this, but Match.com, the Internet-dating site, came to me three years ago and asked me that question. And I said, I don't know. I know what happens in the brain, when you do become in love, but I don't know why you fall in love with one person rather than another. And so, I've spent the last three years on this. And there are many reasons that you fall in love with one person rather than another, that psychologists can tell you. And we tend to fall in love with somebody from the same socioeconomic background, the same general level of intelligence, the same general level of good looks, the same religious values. Your childhood certainly plays a role, but nobody knows how. And that's about it, that's all they know. No, they've never found the way two personalities fit together to make a good relationship.
关于爱情 还有很多未解开的迷。 现在我简短地说一下 我正研究问题: 为什么你会爱上他,而不是别人? 原本我并没有想要去思考这个问题, 但在三年前,一个约会网站Match.com找到我, 并问了我这个问题。 我只能说“我不知道”。 我所知道的是人们恋爱时,大脑中到底发生了什么, 但我却不知道 为什么他就是你命中注定的爱人。 所以,这三年我都在思考这个问题。 心理学家告诉我们 一定有很多原因使你爱上他,而不是另一个人。 我们会倾向于 在同等的社会、经济背景, 同样智力水平, 同等的相貌, 以及相同的宗教信仰中找到自己的爱人。 而童年的经历也会影响人们的爱情,但如何作用却无人知晓。 就是这些,心理学家知道的只有这些。 而且,他们不知道在良好的关系中, 双方的人格是如何配合的。
So, it began to occur to me that maybe your biology pulls you towards some people rather than another. And I have concocted a questionnaire to see to what degree you express dopamine, serotonin, estrogen and testosterone. I think we've evolved four very broad personality types associated with the ratios of these four chemicals in the brain. And on this dating site that I have created, called Chemistry.com, I ask you first a series of questions to see to what degree you express these chemicals, and I'm watching who chooses who to love. And 3.7 million people have taken the questionnaire in America.
因此,我开始思考 为什么我们接近这一群人,而不是其他人, 这是不是有生物上的解释。 为此,我做了一份问卷调查, 以探明人们如何显现多巴胺、血清素、雌激素和睾丸激素的性状。 我相信这四种物质在大脑中的不同配比 让人类演化出了四种非常普遍的人格类型。 所以我在Mating.com上创建了一个子站:Chemistry.com。 第一部分的问题 用来确认上述四种物质在你的大脑中是如何显现性状的。 最后网站记录下是谁选择了谁。
About 600,000 people have taken it in 33 other countries. I'm putting the data together now, and at some point -- there will always be magic to love, but I think I will come closer to understanding why it is you can walk into a room and everybody is from your background, your same general level of intelligence, your same general level of good looks, and you don't feel pulled towards all of them. I think there's biology to that. I think we're going to end up, in the next few years, to understand all kinds of brain mechanisms that pull us to one person rather than another.
总共有370万美国人和 60万来自其他33个国家的人做了这项测试。 我正在对测试数据进行整理。 一定程度上,爱情总是神秘的, 但我相信我会逐步接近问题的答案—— 当你走进一间房间时, 每一个人都是和你同样的背景, 你们处在同样的智力水平上, 你们有同等的相貌, 但为什么你不会被所有这些人所吸引? 我认为这一定有生物学上的解释。 我想几年之内 我们就可以理解大脑 是如何让我们找到我们唯一爱的人。
So, I will close with this. These are my older people. Faulkner once said, "The past is not dead, it's not even the past." Indeed, we carry a lot of luggage from our yesteryear in the human brain. And so, there's one thing that makes me pursue my understanding of human nature, and this reminds me of it. These are two women. Women tend to get intimacy differently than men do. Women get intimacy from face-to-face talking. We swivel towards each other, we do what we call the "anchoring gaze" and we talk. This is intimacy to women. I think it comes from millions of years of holding that baby in front of your face, cajoling it, reprimanding it, educating it with words. Men tend to get intimacy from side-by-side doing.
那样,我就更接近答案了。 这是我的父母。 福克纳曾说过:“过去未曾消逝, 它们还留在心中。” 确实是这样,我们把从过去带来的大量的行李 堆放在大脑中。 我心里总存在一种力量, 让我想要理解人性, 而这也让我想到了这幅照片。 这是两个女人李光智 。 女人们倾向于更亲昵的言行而不像男人们那样。 女人们从面对面的交谈中获得了亲切感, 我们转向对方, 并在交谈中注视着对方。 这就是女性相互理解的方式。 我想这是源于长久的进化岁月中, 女人总是把婴儿抱在面前, 哄他们、训诫他们、教导他们。 而男人们总是在侧坐的交谈中找到亲切感。
As soon as one guy looks up, the other guy will look away.
I think it comes from millions of years of standing behind that -- sitting behind the bush, looking straight ahead, trying to hit that buffalo on the head with a rock.
我想这源自远古时期, 男人们藏在灌木丛中, 看着前方, 并想着用手中的石块砸向野牛的头。
I think, for millions of years, men faced their enemies, they sat side by side with friends. So my final statement is: love is in us. It's deeply embedded in the brain. Our challenge is to understand each other. Thank you. (Applause)
在数万年的人类历史中,男人们和朋友坐在一起, 一起面对共同敌人。 所以我的主张是:爱就在我们心中。 它深深地扎根在大脑中。 理解对方是我们所追求的目标。谢谢大家! (掌声)
最后再来史上最动人的十大情书(中英文)刘先林 。
No.1Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn亨利八世写给安妮·博林King Henry VIII originally courted Anne Boleyn’s sister Mary, butit was Anne who caught the English royal’s wandering eye —though she refused to be his mistress. She wanted to be Queen.Unfortunately for Anne, the temperamental King had anotherchange of heart and ordered her execution in 1536. Henry VIIIwrote Anne this letter in 1527:国王亨利八世最初追求的是安妮·博林的姐姐玛丽·博林,不过皇室看中的却是安妮——虽然她拒绝做亨利八世的情妇。她想要做的是皇后,不过不幸的是,喜新厌旧的亨利八世之后却又变了心,1536年时下令处决安妮。1527年,亨利八世给安妮写下了这样的情书:“I beg to know expressly your intention touching the love between us. Necessity compels me toobtain this answer, having been more than a year wounded by the dart of love, and not yet surewhether I shall fail or find a place in your affection.”“我乞求你,清楚明白地告诉我你的心意,是否愿意与我相爱。我必须要得到这个答案,爱神之箭射中了我,伤口已一年有余,能否在你的心中占有一席之地,我却依然无从确定。”No.2Napoleon to His Wife Josephine拿破仑写给妻子约瑟芬The ruthless French leader had a sweet side for his wife Josephine. Although he divorced her whenshe could not have children, he continued to write to her. A few days after they were married,毒奶色 Napoleon left to command the French army near Italy. In the following months, he frequentlywrote, expressing how much he missed her. He wrote the following on July 17,1796:拿破仑这位法国革命领袖残酷无情,然而对妻子约瑟芬却有柔情的一面。虽然因为约瑟芬无法怀孕而和她离婚,但他依旧保持着对她的通信。在他们婚后没几天,拿破仑就离开家,前往离意大利不远处的前线指挥部队。在接下去的几个月中,他频繁地给妻子写信,表达相思之情。1796年7月17日,他在信中写道:“Since I left you, I have been constantly depressed. My happiness is to be near you. Incessantly Ilive over in my memory your caresses, your tears, your affectionate solicitude. The charms of theincomparable Josephine kindle continually a burning and a glowing flame in my heart. When, freefrom all solicitude, all harassing care, shall I be able to pass all my time with you, having only to loveyou, and to think only of the happiness of so saying, and of proving it to you?”“自从与你分别,我时常郁郁寡欢。我的幸福就是能与你相依。我不断在记忆里重温你的爱抚、你的泪水、你深情的挂念航班惊魂 。世上没有人能同你相比,你的魅力总会在我心中燃起熊熊烈火。我何时才能摆脱所有挂虑、所有恼人的担忧,和你共度生命中的每分每秒,向你证明,我只需要爱你,只需要想着向你诉说爱意时的幸福之感。”No.3Beethoven to His Immortal Beloved贝多芬写给“永远的爱人”The identity of Ludwig van Beethoven’s “immortal beloved,” who received a plethora of lettersfrom the composer in 1812, is still a mystery, but historians believe it was Antonie Brentano, adiplomat’s daughter. Beethoven dedicated his Diabelli Variations Op.120 to her, and in one of hisletters found after his death, he famously wrote:1812年,贝多芬“永远的爱人”收到了来自这位作曲家雪花般的来信,不过收信人的身份却依然无人知晓。不过,历史学家认为收信人是安东妮·布伦塔诺。安东妮·布伦塔诺是一位外交家的女儿,贝多芬将他创作的《迪亚贝利变奏曲》献给了她。贝多芬去世后人们找到了他生前的书信,在其中有一句著名的话:“Though still in bed, my thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved, Be calm–loveme–today–yesterday–what tearful longings for you–you–you–my life–my all–farewell. Ohcontinue to love me–never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved. Ever thine. Evermine. Ever ours.”“我的人躺在床上,但我的思绪却飞向了你,我永远的爱人。请保持冷静-爱我-今天-昨天-我的眼中饱含泪水思念着你-你-你-我的生命-我的一切-永别了。噢,继续爱我吧,不要误会我这颗最赤诚地爱着你的心。我永远属于你。你永远属于我。我们永远属于彼此。”No.4Winston Churchill to His Wife Clementine温斯顿·丘吉尔写给妻子克莱芒蒂娜British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and his wife Clementine were married for 56 years andwrote to each other whenever they were apart. Winston wrote this letter to Clementine on Jan.23, 1935, while she was traveling abroad:英国首相温斯顿·丘吉尔和妻子克莱芒蒂娜携手走过了56个春秋,两人只要是分别,都会给对方写信。丘吉尔于1935年1月23日给正在国外旅游的克莱芒蒂娜写道:“My darling Clemmie, in your letter from Madras you wrote some words very dear to me, abouthaving enriched your life. I cannot tell you what pleasure this gave me, because I always feel sooverwhelmingly in your debt, if there can be accounts in love…What it has been to me to live allthese years in your heart and companionship no phrases can convey.”“我亲爱的克莱米,你从马德拉斯寄来的信中写道让你的人生更为丰富,这些话对我来说太珍贵了。我无法表达出你给我带来了多少的快乐,因为我在想,如果爱也能够计算,那么我欠你的实在太多……这些年来,你对我的爱始终没有停歇,陪伴在我身边,我实在难以用言语表达这些事对我的意义。”No.5Charles Darwin to Emma Wedgwood查尔斯·达尔文写给妻子爱玛·韦奇伍德Charles Darwin, author of Origin of Species, wrote a pros and cons list for getting married, andeventually decided to propose to his first cousin Emma Wedgwood. The couple had a happymarriage, producing 10 children. Charles wrote this note to Emma just a few days before theirwedding in 1839:《物种起源》的作者查尔斯·达尔文列出了一张婚姻利弊清单,最终他决定向表妹爱玛·韦奇伍德求婚。他们两人婚姻美满,膝下有十个儿女。1839年两人结婚的前几天,达尔文在给爱玛的信中写道:“How I do hope you shall be happy as I know I shall be. My own dearest Emma, I earnestly pray,you may never regret the great and I will add very good, deed you are to perform on theTuesday: my own dear future wife, God bless you…”“我多希望你也能和我一样幸福——我知道,我的未来将会有多幸福。我最爱的爱玛,你只属于我银河玖乐。我诚挚地祈祷,希望你永远不会为我们星期二要做的伟大举动而后悔。我会竭尽所能使之完美:我亲爱的未来的妻子,愿上帝保佑你……”
No.6Frida Kahlo to Diego Rivera弗里达·卡罗写给迭戈·里维拉Although artist Diego Rivera was 20 years older than painter Frida Kahlo, she called him her “bigchild.” Kahlo loved Rivera, even though he was reportedly unfaithful. She once said,“I suffered twograve accidents in my life. One in which a streetcar knocked me down … The other accident isDiego.” The following is from a letter that Kahlo sent to Rivera in 1940:墨西哥著名艺术家迭戈·里维拉尽管比画家弗里达·卡罗年长二十岁,弗里达·卡罗仍然将他唤作自己的“大孩子”。虽然有传闻称迭戈·里维拉不忠,不过弗里达·卡罗依旧爱着他。她曾说:“我的人生有两大沉痛的意外:一是被一辆有轨电车撞倒……二就是遇见了迭戈。”下面的这段话出自1940年卡罗写给里维拉的一封信:“Diego my love- Remember that once you finish the fresco we will be together forever once andfor all, without arguments or anything, only to love one another. Behave yourself and doeverything that Emmy Lou tells you. I adore you more than ever. Your girl, Frida (Write me).”“迭戈,我的爱人——请你记住,当你完成那副壁画之后,我们就将永远在一起,不会离开彼此了。我们不会争执,只会全心全意地爱着彼此。听话点,按照艾米·卢说的去做。我比从前任何时候都爱你。你的爱人,弗里达(回信给我)”No.7Richard Burton to Elizabeth Taylor理查德·波顿写给伊丽莎白·泰勒Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor were Hollywood’s It couple for over a decade. They fell in loveon the set of Cleopatra in 1963, and married and divorced twice. Burton wrote this letter to Taylorduring the early part of their first marriage in 1964:理查德·波顿和伊丽莎白·泰勒这对夫妇曾叱咤好莱坞十余载。1963年在拍摄《埃及艳后》时,他们两人坠入爱河,之后经历过两次离离合合。1964年,波顿在他们第一次婚姻之初给泰勒写道:“My blind eyes are desperately waiting for the sight of you. You don’t realize of course, E.B., howfascinatingly beautiful you have always been, and how strangely you have acquired an added andspecial and dangerous loveliness.”“我目不见物,只愿再看到你。当然,你无法感受得到,伊丽莎白,你是多么地有魅力,你的可爱是多么地危险。”No.8Ronald Reagan to Nancy Reagan罗纳德·里根写给妻子南希President Ronald Reagan wrote several love notes to his wife and eventual First Lady, startingwhen the couple first met. Nancy compiled some of his letters in her book I Love You, Ronnie. Hegave her this note on Valentine’s Day in 1977:自相识以来,美国总统罗纳德·里根给她的妻子、后来的第一夫人写过多封情书。南希后来将其中的一部分收入了她的《我爱你·罗尼》一书。1977年的情人节,里根将这封情书交给了南希:“Dear St. Valentine,“亲爱的圣瓦伦丁:I’m writing to you about a beautiful young lady who has been in this household for 25 years now—come March 4.我写的这封信同一位美丽的女士有关。到今年3月4日,她就在这个家庭生活了足足25年了。I have a request to make of you but before doing so feel you should know more about her. Forone thing she has 2 hearts—her own and mine. I’m not complaining. I gave her mine willingly街霸降龙, andlike it right where it is. Her name is Nancy but for some time now I’ve called her Mommie and don’tbelieve I could change.我想请求您做一件事,但是在此之前,我希望您能对她有更多的了解。首先,她有两颗心:一颗是她自己的心,一颗是我的心。我对此毫无怨言,因为我心甘情愿地将自己的心交予了她,也希望这颗心一直在那。她的名字叫南希,不过一段时间以来我一直叫她“妈妈”,已经无法改口了。My request of you is—could you on this day whisper in her ear that someone loves her very muchand more and more each day? Also tell her, this “Someone” would run down like a dollar clockwithout her so she must always stay where she is.”我对您的请求是:在今天这个特别的日子里,能否悄悄地靠在她耳边对她说,有一个人深爱着她,他的爱与日俱增?同时也请告诉她,如果没有她,这个人会像电子表一样停止运转,所以请她一直留在这个地方。”No.9Noah to Allie, The Notebook《恋恋笔记本》中诺亚写给艾丽O.K., so Noah and Allie may be a fictional couple, but Nicholas Sparks is a genius when it comes tocomposing a goose bumps–worthy love note. Novel turned movie The Notebook is the ultimateValentine’s Day go-to.好吧,诺亚和艾丽是小说中编出来的一对,不过尼古拉斯·斯帕克斯在写起让人起鸡皮疙瘩的情书来可是个天才。小说改编的电影《恋恋笔记本》已经成为了情人节的保留节目。“My Dearest Allie. I couldn’t sleep last night because I know that it’s over between us. I’m not bitteranymore, because I know that what we had was real. And if in some distant place in the future wesee each other in our new lives, I’ll smile at you with joy and remember how we spent a summerbeneath the trees, learning from each other and growing in love. The best love is the kind thatawakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace toour minds. And that’s what you’ve given me. That’s what I’d hoped to give to you forever. I loveyou. I’ll be seeing you. Noah.”“我最爱的艾丽:昨夜我无法入眠,因为我知道,我们两人已经结束了。我的心中已经没有苦闷,因为我知道,我们之间的感情不是虚假的。如果将来我们都重新开始了自己的生活,在某个遥远的地方遇到了对方,我会对你快乐地微笑,回忆起我们在树下度过的那个夏天,回想起我们一起学习,在爱中成长。最美的爱情能够唤醒灵魂,让我们追求到更多;最美的爱情会在我们心中种下一团火焰,让我们的心灵回归平和。这就是你给与我的。我也是我曾希望能够永远带给你的。我爱你。我们会再相见的。诺亚。”No.10Jerry Orbach to His Wife Elaine杰里·奥尔巴赫写给妻子伊莱恩The Law and Order star used to leave love poems for his wife every morning next to her coffee.Their 25-year marriage is chronicled in the book Remember How I Love You: Love Letters from anExtraordinary Marriage. Jerry wrote this letter to Elaine on one Valentine’s Day:出演《法律与秩序》的演员杰里·奥尔巴赫每天早上都会在他妻子的咖啡旁放上一封情书。他们长达25年的婚姻全部都被记录在《记得我有多爱你:不一般的婚姻爱情书信》一书中。杰里在情人节给他的妻子写道:“Valentine’s Day is here again. The weather looks cold and clammy…But I can happily go to workand try not to act too hammy. Cause I’ve got a warmness in my heart from my sunshine, mylifeline, my lambie!(I wish I could stay home and give you a kiss!) xxx’s Jer”“情人节又一次到来,天气又冷又湿……不过我能高高兴兴去上班,而且还得尽力让自己不要手舞足蹈。因为我的心中充满温暖,这份温暖来自于我的阳光,我的生命线,我的小乖乖!(多希望能留在家里,给你一个深情的吻黄佳琰 !)你的杰里。”