




So we go back to the prevention of mother to child transmission.
The world is increasingly seeing these programs as the bridge to comprehensive maternal and child health.
人们越来越倾向于将这些项目看作是 通向实现母子全面健康的桥梁。
And our organization helps women across that bridge. The care doesn't stop when the baby's born -- we deal with the ongoing health of the mother and baby, ensuring that they live healthy, successful lives.
我们的组织则 帮助女性跨过这座桥梁.。这些护理并不会因为婴儿的出生就停止.。我们继续关注母亲和婴儿的健康, 让他们过上健康、 美好的生活。

Our organization works on three levels. The first, at the patient level -- mothers and babies keeping babies from getting HIV, keeping mothers healthy to raise them.
我们的组织在三个层面上工作.。第一, 在病人层面上-- 着眼于母亲和孩子, 保护孩子, 不让他们感染艾滋病病毒, 让母亲能够健康地养育他们.。

The second, communities -- empowering women. They become leaders within their communities.They change the way communities think -- we need to change attitudes to HIV.
第二, 社区层面 -- 鼓励女性, 给她们力量. 让她们成为所在地区团体的领导.。去改变当地人们的的看法.。我们需要改变人们对艾滋病病毒的态度.。
We need to change attitudes to women in Africa. We have to do that. And then rework the level of the health care systems, building stronger health care systems.
我们需要改变非洲人们对女性的态度。我们必须做到这点.。然后重新运作医疗服务体系, 在这个层面, 建立更健全的医疗保健系统。

Our health care systems are broken. They're not going to work the way they're currently designed.
我们的医疗服务体系存在诸多漏洞. 以现有的架构, 他们是难以起到作用的.
And so doctors and nurses who need to try to change people's behaviors don't have the skills, don't have the time -- our mentor mothers do.
因此,当医生和护士们, 当他们没有技巧, 也没有时间去帮助人们 改变相应行为时, 我们的母亲指导员们能做到这些.
And so in redefining the health care teams by bringing the mentor mothers in, we can do that.
所以,通过将母亲指导员引入医疗服务体系, 我们能做到这点.

I started the program in Capetown, South Africa back in 2001. It was at that point, just the spark of an idea.
我在南非开普敦开始了这个项目, 在2001年时, 在那个时候, 这只是一个思想的火花.
Referencing Steven Johnson's very lovely speech yesterday on where ideas come from, I was in the shower at the time -- I was alone. (Laughter)
想到Steven Johnson昨天所做的演讲 关于好主意的来源, 当这个思想火花闪现时,我正在洗澡. 只有我一个人. (笑声)
The program is now working in nine countries, we have 670 program sites, we're seeing about 230,000 women every month, we're employing 1,600 mentor mothers, and last year, they enrolled 300,000 HIV-positive pregnant women and mothers.
这个项目现正在九个国家推广. 我们有670个项目点. 我们每月接见大概23万女性. 我们聘请1,600个母亲指导员. 去年,她们共照看了 30万个带有艾滋病病毒的孕妇和母亲.

That is 20 percent of the global HIV-positive pregnant women -- 20 percent of the world. What's extraordinary is how simple the premise is.
这占到了全球20%的感染艾滋病病毒的怀孕妇女, 全世界的20%. 不可思议的是它的基本构思是多么的简单.
Mothers with HIV caring for mothers with HIV. Past patients taking care of present patients. And empowerment through employment -- reducing stigma.
用带有艾滋病毒的母亲来照顾带有艾滋病毒的母亲. 过去的病人来照顾现在的病人. 和通过雇佣关系来给予他们权威和力量, 减少忌讳和羞耻感.

《Mitchell Besser: Mothers helping mothers fight HIV》
